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STURM 17-08-2006 23:22:07

<p>Era un elefante sobre una pelota la foto de aldana</p>
<p><a class="thumbnail" onmouseover="self.status=''; return true;" onmouseout="self.status='';return true;" href=";_ylu=X3oDMTBvMmFkM29 rBHBndANhdl9pbWdfcmVzdWx0BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12buv071u/EXP=1155936174/**http%3a//"><img class="thumbnail" title="miniatura de marine-bbi300.jpg" height="110" alt="Go to fullsize image" src="" width="48" border="0" /></a></p>

tajuru 18-08-2006 15:42:23

<img src="" alt="La imagen “” no puede mostrarse porque contiene errores." /><br /><br />repetimos????natillas danone lista para tomar XD

STURM 19-08-2006 23:16:03

<a class="thumbnail" onmouseover="self.status=''; return true;" onmouseout="self.status='';return true;" href=";_ylu=X3oDMTBvMmFkM29 rBHBndANhdl9pbWdfcmVzdWx0BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=12bnmmfl6/EXP=1156108609/**http%3a//"><img class="thumbnail" title="miniatura de Natillas-thumbnail.jpg" height="105" alt="Go to fullsize image" src="" width="83" border="0" /></a>

nany83 21-08-2006 20:12:53

quieren???<br /><br /><img src="" alt="" />

vic freeze 21-08-2006 21:28:44

<p><img style="WIDTH: 425px; HEIGHT: 236px" height="409" src="" width="614" alt="" /></p>

calvis 21-08-2006 22:42:56

<p><font color="#999999">mm Lemon pie... ummm.. ya se:</font></p>
<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>
<p><font color="#999999">(Jack Lemmon)</font></p>

STURM 21-08-2006 23:13:13

<p>Umm que buena pinta tiene esa tarta de limon </p>
<p><a class="thumbnail" onmouseover="self.status=''; return true;" onmouseout="self.status='';return true;" href=";_ylu=X3oDMTBvMmFkM29 rBHBndANhdl9pbWdfcmVzdWx0BHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=127po2soo/EXP=1156281182/**http%3a//"><img class="thumbnail" title="miniatura de homer14.JPG" height="115" alt="Go to fullsize image" src="" width="114" border="0" /></a>AAArrg</p>
<p><font size="1">(nany ves tomando nota, tarta de limon)</font></p>

vic freeze 22-08-2006 00:47:17

<p>(breve descanso entre comidas)</p>
<p><img height="307" src="" width="420" alt="" /></p>

nany83 23-08-2006 16:26:40

<img width="563" height="422" src="" alt="" />

vic freeze 24-08-2006 00:17:54

<img src="" alt="" />

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