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STURM 24-08-2006 23:31:03

here you can´t practise the english because you first think in spanish and next translate it in english using the diccionary and you don´t write a english/american phrase unless spanish phrase.

aldana_ 24-08-2006 23:42:38

<p>Not really.... I don't think in spanish first... <br />I know english for a long time now (10 years), and i talk/write it often, that there's no need*of translation.. i just inmediatly think in english...* :-)</p>
<p>It could sound weird.. but once i had a dream in english!! XDD* was*pretty cool..*;P</p>

SLKER 25-08-2006 12:49:45

<p>Lol I also have a dream in english... it was about me meeting a guy from that forum I mentioned...</p>
<p>And no, I don't think in Spanish first*either... Some times I won't remember how to say the word in english and will use the spanish one or whatever I came up with, other than that I have no problems...</p>

rafafreak 25-08-2006 18:24:35

<p>Yeah, I think in english too, but it's true that sometimes you can't avoid to express yourself in a spanish way, so it could have missunderstanding situations XDD.</p>

Echi44 25-08-2006 20:25:02

that's normal, once u r used to speaking or writting in english, u end up thinking in english as well. I had a few dreams like that too, but i just don't remember them. <p>

in fact, often i forget how to say a word in spanish, and i only remember how to say it in english xD ... By the way, why did u create this thread? xD

SLKER 25-08-2006 20:53:17

<p>Who knows, but it's a funny thread xD</p>
<p>Well, sometimes I can't remember a english word, sometimes I can't remember the spanish one... I think it depends on what is the language you've been using most in the last hour xD</p>

aldana_ 25-08-2006 21:31:55

Well i was actually bored, and just stopped by an english forum... so i started talking in english in another thread...* <br />someone suggested that if i wanted to keep writing like this that why not opening a thread for this... so i did!!* :D<br /><br />It's fun .. and a quite succesfull thread i may add... hehe.. <br />I think everyting sound better in english.. i like it more than spanish sometimes... so i though it could be a fun thing to do....* :P<br />beside the forum has been too quiet this last days.. there isn't much to write or read... <br /><br />I like to practice my english.. if not, ask anybody who i talk to in msn.. Sometimes i torture them whit my english.. and sometimes just to ask some word i can't remember* hehe... xD

SLKER 25-08-2006 21:46:46

<p>Meh, I should practice english more... well, Actually I should practice the speaking part ¬¬ My stupid teacher failed me in that one, you'd see my marks : listening: 9; reading: 6;* writing: 7,5 speaking: 3,5 WTF? ¬¬</p>
<p>Also the stupid guy still hasn't*put up the list with the times to do the september's exam. All I know is that in less than 2 weeks I have to be in a certain classroom ( And I don't want to wait there all day ¬¬')</p>

CNL 25-08-2006 22:53:53

<p>Speaking is the fuckerest part of english :-(</p>
<p>Fortunately, I didn't have to do speaking exams :-P</p>

aldana_ 25-08-2006 23:15:11

yeah.. i'm not good whit the speaking either... hehe...<br />I should have join the conversation group this year, but i didin't hehe.. maybe next year i will.... :P<br />i used to do very well in my exams.. most of the times i was 90/100 aprox.. and the oral examn i did well, but if i try to have a long conversation i get all stuck..<br /><br />A friend of my cousin came once (from USA) and i try to talk to him... but i looked quite stupid.. hehe.. he did understand wath i as saying, but he laugh at my speaking.. hehe... i'm terrible!!* xD

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