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aldana_ 22-08-2006 22:17:47

Hello everybody!!!* :D<br /><br />yes.... this is a trhead to speak in english!! hehe... well. i do actually like to speak like this (well write to be more especific).. and calvis recommended me to open a new topic to do it...* and as you can see i like the idea!!* :-)<br /><br />So.. here it is!!!... We can talk about anything, wathever pops into your mind.. the only condition is to do it in english..** :P<br /><br />ok.. Hope you join me in here!! ^^

tajuru 22-08-2006 22:25:46


nicknico2 22-08-2006 22:31:53


CNL 22-08-2006 23:20:39

Good idea... it's a good way to improve our english level :-)

STURM 22-08-2006 23:44:02

STURM kill calvis

aldana_ 22-08-2006 23:49:36

yes cnl.... i think so too!! Beside.. it's fun!! ^^<br /><br />Sturm but why?? if it was a good idea!!!.. and i'm the one that start the topic... if you should kill someone that would be me... err.. ehh.. mm..<br />uhmm.. wait.. something its not right there... :S<br />emm.. err.. ok.. calvis went that way!!!!** ----->>**** :D

vic freeze 22-08-2006 23:58:12

<p>open the güindoussss(jejejejee)---the cat is on the table</p>
<p>the pencil is red------Calvis goes to Hollywood ( de una patada!)</p>
<p>.....y ahi se murió mi inglés.......</p>

CNL 23-08-2006 00:29:19

<p>vic freeze, you have an error in your last message... it's not "jajaja", it's "hahaha".</p>
<p>Be careful ¬¬</p>

calvis 23-08-2006 01:04:51

mmm Please don't kill me... I thought this was a good idea... Sometimes is good to express ourselves in other language...but... if you have to choose someone to blame, that's aldana, she's guilty of all this XDDD

vic freeze 23-08-2006 01:09:30

ohhhhh, sorry, CNL...........heheheheheheheee!!!!!! (ok?)

aldana_ 23-08-2006 02:13:54

no, no,no ... It was your idea calvis, i don't want to steal you the credit.. if there's anyone we should blame.. it's you!! XDDD<br /><br />wait.. don't run... it's ok.. it wont hurt that much!!!<br />damn.. he is trying to scape!! hehe!!** :D

wolvi 23-08-2006 02:16:34

<p>watashi wakaranai</p>

rafafreak 23-08-2006 16:37:55

<p>XD Wolvo, good escape.</p>
<p>Well, I have no problems with joining an english topic. If you don't like it, just don't click it. For example, I will never be in the "Moda, cotilleos y esas cosas" topic, but it doesn't mean that its existence disturbs my psiche...</p>

STURM 23-08-2006 21:03:41

STURM to torture calvis

Japofran 23-08-2006 21:54:23

Ah, Lancelot, thou wert head of all Christian knights. Thou wert the courtliest knight that ever drew sword and the faithfullest friend that ever bestrode a horse. Thou wert the goodliest knight that ever man has seen and the truest lover that ever loved a woman.

mirielles 23-08-2006 22:15:42

<p>A*thread in english? Here? Feels like the twilight zone or something. :)</p>
<p>It's cool. It really is good practice. One hears people in movies, tv shows (songs do not count!), one reads...</p>
<p>But I don't even remember the last time I wrote something in english.</p>
<p>**What.* Archaic english too? o_O</p>

Kakarot 24-08-2006 00:06:05

Whoa mirielles, I can't remember when did I talk to you last time (yes, there's something wrong there xD). <br /><br />I think it's a great idea, too. Someday I would like to stay for a long time (perhaps a year, maybe more, that's for me a long time xD) in the United States, so I should improve my English a lot if I want someone to understand me! :D

Japofran 24-08-2006 02:13:13

Aye! Aplenty, your ladyship! :-D

aldana_ 24-08-2006 02:15:52

<span class="postbody">I think it's a great idea, too. Someday I would like to stay for a long time (perhaps a year, maybe more, that's for me a long time xD) in the United States, so I should improve my English a lot if I want someone to understand me! :D<br /><br />Yes.. i think is a great idea too.. It's good to practice our english!!* :D<br /><br />You want to go to the United States?. I'd like to do one of those trips too.. In here there's a program that takes people to work and practice english to USA, England or Australia.. It's really good.. It last 3 month. and it give you great experience.... <br />I'd like to do it sometime!!! But id like to go to Enlgand!!* :D ** ...The things is that it cost quite a bit $$$** :S</span>

aldana_ 24-08-2006 02:17:55

hehee!! .. The first part was supposed to be quoted!!* :P<br />Like this.. :<br /><br /><span class="postbody"><span style="font-style: italic;">Kakarot said: </span><span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">"I think it's a great idea, too. Someday I would like to stay for a long time (perhaps a year, maybe more, that's for me a long time xD) in the United States, so I should improve my English a lot if I want someone to understand me! :D "</span></span><br /><br />XDDD

Viejomen 24-08-2006 03:16:02

<p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0000">Hehehe, I didnt knew of an existence of this type of Froums in ENLH.!!!</font></p>
<p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#ff0000">I Want to do a Test: Who can wrote the most verbs in English in an Answer ?? (Of Course, known verbs from you)!!</font></p>

mirielles 24-08-2006 15:58:10

<font size="2">
<p>Hi Kakarot :)<br />You know how I am, often lurking - rarely posting :D</p>
<p>--<br />...The most verbs in english in an answer. How does that go? You're proposing a list or a huge phrase with a lot of verbs?</p>

rafafreak 24-08-2006 17:44:25

<p>Yeah Mirielles, time ago!</p>
<p>Well, I know it's a silly idea, but I'd like go to Sweden for practicing my english. Yes,*swedish is their official idiom, but english level is great over there, so I could visit a non - english - speaking territory and practice this idiom at the same time. ...Ermmm XD Well, actually I'd go to visit a friend, idiom is a secundary fact.</p>

aldana_ 24-08-2006 17:54:53

yes.. visiting a friend in another country must be great!! ...and english is always a perfect excuse for it!! hehe..* :P<br /><br />I use it some time ago..hehe..* As i was studing english and my 15 birthday was coming, so whit that as an excuse, i find the way to get a trip to Orlando, FL. and the Bahamas!!* :D<br />Actually in those times.. traditionaly 15 year old girls use to take this trip to go to Disney.. in the times that it were accesible.. now it cost a fortune* :(<br /><br />Lucky me!!,, i could go.. and it was great!!!!* :D** ...I really was hoping to talk and practice my english very much... but unfortunatly, everybody there already speak spanish...* :(** <br /><br /><br />// how is that about the most amount of verbs in an answer??

calvis 24-08-2006 19:08:44

hahaha, It bothers me when someone who speaks in english try to speak to you in a lousy spanish... but, if you think that, maybe they wanna talk in other language too...

SLKER 24-08-2006 21:02:38

<p>And why the hell would I want to write 50 +* verbs in an answer?</p>
<p>And why am I posting here if I haven't read anything the rest of the people have posted earlier?</p>
<p>Oh yes, I'm bored, that's why xD</p>

assault_suite 24-08-2006 21:11:56

I am already on nearly 40 english forums, all tech related, this is the only one spanish (well, too)... I don't want to do it english way now here!

SLKER 24-08-2006 21:18:36

I'm only in one english forum.. but it's the one I've posted more, anyways

assault_suite 24-08-2006 21:27:04

you're talkin' 'bout

TioCanya 24-08-2006 22:52:03

My taylon is green<br /><br />My window is rich

STURM 24-08-2006 23:31:03

here you can´t practise the english because you first think in spanish and next translate it in english using the diccionary and you don´t write a english/american phrase unless spanish phrase.

aldana_ 24-08-2006 23:42:38

<p>Not really.... I don't think in spanish first... <br />I know english for a long time now (10 years), and i talk/write it often, that there's no need*of translation.. i just inmediatly think in english...* :-)</p>
<p>It could sound weird.. but once i had a dream in english!! XDD* was*pretty cool..*;P</p>

SLKER 25-08-2006 12:49:45

<p>Lol I also have a dream in english... it was about me meeting a guy from that forum I mentioned...</p>
<p>And no, I don't think in Spanish first*either... Some times I won't remember how to say the word in english and will use the spanish one or whatever I came up with, other than that I have no problems...</p>

rafafreak 25-08-2006 18:24:35

<p>Yeah, I think in english too, but it's true that sometimes you can't avoid to express yourself in a spanish way, so it could have missunderstanding situations XDD.</p>

Echi44 25-08-2006 20:25:02

that's normal, once u r used to speaking or writting in english, u end up thinking in english as well. I had a few dreams like that too, but i just don't remember them. <p>

in fact, often i forget how to say a word in spanish, and i only remember how to say it in english xD ... By the way, why did u create this thread? xD

SLKER 25-08-2006 20:53:17

<p>Who knows, but it's a funny thread xD</p>
<p>Well, sometimes I can't remember a english word, sometimes I can't remember the spanish one... I think it depends on what is the language you've been using most in the last hour xD</p>

aldana_ 25-08-2006 21:31:55

Well i was actually bored, and just stopped by an english forum... so i started talking in english in another thread...* <br />someone suggested that if i wanted to keep writing like this that why not opening a thread for this... so i did!!* :D<br /><br />It's fun .. and a quite succesfull thread i may add... hehe.. <br />I think everyting sound better in english.. i like it more than spanish sometimes... so i though it could be a fun thing to do....* :P<br />beside the forum has been too quiet this last days.. there isn't much to write or read... <br /><br />I like to practice my english.. if not, ask anybody who i talk to in msn.. Sometimes i torture them whit my english.. and sometimes just to ask some word i can't remember* hehe... xD

SLKER 25-08-2006 21:46:46

<p>Meh, I should practice english more... well, Actually I should practice the speaking part ¬¬ My stupid teacher failed me in that one, you'd see my marks : listening: 9; reading: 6;* writing: 7,5 speaking: 3,5 WTF? ¬¬</p>
<p>Also the stupid guy still hasn't*put up the list with the times to do the september's exam. All I know is that in less than 2 weeks I have to be in a certain classroom ( And I don't want to wait there all day ¬¬')</p>

CNL 25-08-2006 22:53:53

<p>Speaking is the fuckerest part of english :-(</p>
<p>Fortunately, I didn't have to do speaking exams :-P</p>

aldana_ 25-08-2006 23:15:11

yeah.. i'm not good whit the speaking either... hehe...<br />I should have join the conversation group this year, but i didin't hehe.. maybe next year i will.... :P<br />i used to do very well in my exams.. most of the times i was 90/100 aprox.. and the oral examn i did well, but if i try to have a long conversation i get all stuck..<br /><br />A friend of my cousin came once (from USA) and i try to talk to him... but i looked quite stupid.. hehe.. he did understand wath i as saying, but he laugh at my speaking.. hehe... i'm terrible!!* xD

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