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Antiguo 22-07-2006, 21:43:50
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assault_suite assault_suite is offline
Fecha de Ingreso: Apr 2006
Ubicación: Asuncion - Paraguay

otra de sentenced... sus letras son buenisimas, y esta es la mejor!<br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold;">SENTENCED</span><br style="font-weight: bold;" /><span style="font-weight: bold;">Excuse me while I kill myself</span><br /><br /> How do you do? <br /> Have yourself a pleasant afternoon!<br /> Well, fuck you, too! <br /> "Good night" is the one I choose for you! <br /> <br /> I'll kill myself: <br /> I'll blow my brains onto the wall! <br /> See you in hell, <br /> I will not take this anymore! <br /> Now, this is where it ends, this is where I will draw the line <br /> So, 'scuse me while I end my life<br /> <br /> I will pull this through <br /> Not having a reason is no excuse <br /> What the Hell do you suppose I have left to lose? <br /> [You?] <br /> <br /> Chorus <br /> <br /> I'll kill myself: <br /> I'll blow my brains onto the wall! <br /> See you in Hell, <br /> I will not take this anymore! <br /> This is where it ends; I´ll put a bullet in my head <br /> And yes, drop dead! <br /> This is where it ends, this is where I will draw the line<br /> Excuse me while I kill mysel
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Antiguo 23-07-2006, 01:31:12
Avatar de Sly_Boots
Sly_Boots Sly_Boots is offline
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Fecha de Ingreso: Jul 2005

<p align="justify">Me gusta mucho también esta canción. Muy bailable.</p>
<p align="justify">Aquí está su letra:</p>
<p align="justify">PJ Harvey - The Life and Death of Mr Badmouth</p>
<p>Baby, you got a bad bad mouth<br />Everything is poison that's coming out<br />Cheating, lying since the day you were born<br />Someone outta rinse it out with soap</p>
<p>Wash it out, wash it out, wash it out</p>
<p>No kind words are coming out of your mouth<br />Plenty goes in but nothing good comes out<br />Badmouth, sad mouth, you were an unhappy child<br />That doesn't make your lying tongue alright</p>
<p>Wash it out, wash it out, wash it out</p>
<p>Cos everything is poison<br />You'll be the unhappy one<br />Your lips taste of poison<br />You're gonna be left alone</p>
<p>When you told me every word you said<br />Came from voices talking in your head<br />Baby, I just think you're out for what you can get<br />Your badmouth has killed off everything we had</p>
<p>Wash it out, wash it out, wash it out</p>
<p>Cos everything is poison<br />You'll be the unhappy one<br />Your lips taste of poison<br />You'll be in the corner crying</p>
<p>¡Es muy pegadiza la letra! ¡Genial canción!</p>
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Antiguo 23-07-2006, 02:42:40
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Japofran Japofran is offline
Fecha de Ingreso: Mar 2006
Ubicación: Valladolid, España

Rime of the Ancient Mariner<br /> ******************************<br /> <br /> Hear the rime of the ancient mariner<br /> See his eye as he stops one of three<br /> Mesmerises one of the wedding guests<br /> Stay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea.<br /> <br /> And the music plays on, as the bride passes by<br /> Caught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale.<br /> <br /> Driven south to the land of the snow and ice<br /> To a place where nobody's been<br /> Through the snow fog flies on the albatross<br /> Hailed in God's name, hoping good luck it brings.<br /> <br /> And the ship sails on, back to the North<br /> Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on.<br /> <br /> The mariner kills the bird of good omen<br /> His shipmates cry against what he's done<br /> But when the fog clears, they justify him<br /> And make themselves a part of the crime.<br /> <br /> Sailing on and on and north across the sea<br /> Sailing on and on and north 'til all is calm.<br /> <br /> The albatross begins with its vengeance<br /> A terrible curse a thirst has begun<br /> His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner<br /> About his neck, the dead bird is hung.<br /> <br /> And the curse goes on and on at sea<br /> And the verse goes on and on for them and me.<br /> <br /> "Day after day, day after day,<br /> we stuck nor breath nor motion<br /> as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean<br /> Water, water everywhere and<br /> all the boards did shrink<br /> Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."<br /> <br /> There calls the mariner<br /> There comes a ship over the line<br /> But how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.<br /> <br /> See...onward she comes<br /> Onward she nears out of the sun<br /> See, she has no crew<br /> She has no life, wait but there's two.<br /> <br /> Death and she Life in Death,<br /> They throw their dice for the crew<br /> She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now.<br /> Then...crew one by one<br /> they drop down dead, two hundred men<br /> She...she, Life in Death.<br /> She lets him live, her chosen one.<br /> <br /> "One after one by the star dogged moon,<br /> too quick for groan or sigh<br /> each turned his face with a ghastly pang<br /> and cursed me with his eye<br /> four times fifty living men<br /> (and I heard nor sigh nor groan)<br /> with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,<br /> they dropped down one by one."<br /> <br /> The curse it lives on in their eyes<br /> The mariner he wished he'd die<br /> Along with the sea creatures<br /> But they lived on, so did he.<br /> <br /> And by the light of the moon<br /> He prays for their beauty not doom<br /> With heart he blesses them<br /> God's creatures all of them too.<br /> <br /> Then the spell starts to break<br /> The albatross falls from his neck<br /> Sinks down like lead into the sea<br /> Then down in falls comes the rain.<br /> <br /> Hear the groans of the long dead seamen<br /> See them stir and they start to rise<br /> Bodies lifted by good spirits<br /> None of them speak and they're lifelesss in their eyes<br /> <br /> And revenge is still sought, penance starts again<br /> Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.<br /> <br /> Now the curse is finally lifted<br /> And the mariner sights his home<br /> spirits go from the long dead bodies<br /> Form their own light and the mariner's left alone.<br /> <br /> And then a boat came sailing towards him<br /> It was a joy he could not believe<br /> The pilot's boat, his son and the hermit,<br /> Penance of life will fall onto him.<br /> <br /> And the ship it sinks like lead into the sea<br /> And the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins.<br /> <br /> The mariner's bound to tell of his story<br /> To tell this tale wherever he goes<br /> To teach God's word by his own example<br /> That we must love all things that God made.<br /> <br /> And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man<br /> And the tale goes on and on and on.
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Antiguo 23-07-2006, 06:56:58
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Echi44 Echi44 is offline
Fecha de Ingreso: Mar 2002

<p><strong>Phantom Of the Opera*- Sarah Brightman con Michael Crawford</strong> (Del Fantasma de la ópera)</p>
<p><strong><em>Christine (Sarah):</em><br /></strong>In sleep he sang to me<br />In dreams he came<br />That voice which calls to me<br />And speaks my name<br />And do I dream again?<br />For now I find<br />The phantom of the opera is there<br />Inside my mind<br /></p>
<p><em><strong>The phantom (Michael) <br /></strong></em>Sing once again with me<br />Our strange duet<br />My power over you<br />Grows stronger yet<br />And though you turn from me<br />To glance behind<br />The phantom of the opera is there<br />Inside your mind<br /></p>
<p><em><strong>Christine <br /></strong></em>Those who have seen your face<br />Draw back in fear<br />I am the mask you wear<br /></p>
<p><em><strong>The phantom <br /></strong></em>It's me they hear<br /></p>
<p><em><strong>Christine (in duet with the phantom) <br /></strong></em>Your spirit and my voice in one combined<br /><em><strong>The phantom (in duet with Christine) <br /></strong></em>My spirit and your voice in one combined<br /><strong><em>Both</em></strong> <br />The phantom of the opera is there<br /><em><strong>Christine (in duet) <br /></strong></em>Inside my mind<br /><em><strong>The phantom (in duet)</strong></em> <br />Inside your mind<br /><em><strong></strong></em></p>
<p><em><strong>Choir (very, very soft)</strong></em> <br />He's there,<br />The phantom of the opera<br />Beware,<br />The phantom of the opera<br /></p>
<p><em><strong>The phantom</strong></em> <br />In all your fantasies<br />You always knew<br />That man and mystery<br /><em><strong>Christine <br /></strong></em>Were both in you<br /><em><strong>Both <br /></strong></em>And in this labyrinth<br />Were night is blind<br />The phantom of the opera is<br /><em><strong>Christine (in duet)</strong></em> <br />Here<br /><em><strong>The phantom (in duet) <br /></strong></em>There<br /><em><strong>Christine</strong></em> <br />Inside my mind<br /><em><strong></strong></em></p>
<p><em><strong>The phantom</strong></em> <br />Sing! My angel of music<br /><em><strong></strong></em></p>
<p><em><strong>Christine <br /></strong></em>He's there<br />The phantom of the opera<br /><em>Christine starts wailing (o sea, empieza a gritar AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA y asi...)</em></p>
<p><em><strong>The phantom <br /></strong></em>Sing...<br />Sing for me...<br />Sing, my angel of music!<br />Sing for me!</p>
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Antiguo 27-07-2006, 17:51:38
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geomin geomin is offline
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<p><em>Como a mi no me gustan mucho los músicos masivos, sigo con mis canciones Lado B.</em></p>
<p>Mauridio Redoles: <strong>"Encuentro Espacial Con las Fuerzas Especiales"</strong></p>
<p>Segun fuentes bien informadas OVNIS habrian descendidos sobre unos cerros de Manquehue quemaron el pasto con figuras luminicas.</p>
<p>Una fue un cuadrado que se transformo en rombo, </p>
<p>otra fue la Silueta de un Moai.</p>
<p>Los vecinos alarmados por la situacion llamaron a carabineros.</p>
<p>Llegaron los pacos....</p>
<p>Los pacos no creian en los OVNIS, </p>
<p>Los OVNIS no creian en los pacos</p>
<p>Los pacos negaron que hubiese vida*inteligente en otra parte del universo</p>
<p>Los ONVIS miraron a los pacos y les gritaron</p>
<p>Los OVNIS no creian en los pacos</p>
<p>Los pacos no admiraban a los OVNIS</p>
<p>ONVIS y Pacos se rechazaban mutuamente</p>
<p>Los OVNIS dibujaron un moai</p>
<p>Un paco miedoso le grito al OVNI mas cercano.</p>
<p>NO TE MOAI...* !!!!!</p>
<p><strong>Yo y Cocoliso</strong></p>
<p>Entre yo y cocoliso media un mundo de diferencias</p>
<p>el es mi hijo y tiene dos meses</p>
<p>lo sostengo en mi pecho</p>
<p>Nos miramos</p>
<p>y arriba de nuestras cabezas corretea un polilla</p>
<p>la pieza en la que estamos tiene cerca de 5 metros de altura</p>
<p>y entre nuestras cabezas y el cielo razo </p>
<p>existe la vida no hecha.</p>
<p>Pienso con dolor en los comunistas y en los rockeros caidos</p>
<p>en diversas guerras secretas.</p>
<p>como si en sandcrito como si la leyenda en otra direccion</p>
<p>Entre yo y Cocoliso</p>
<p>NADA O TODO...</p>
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Antiguo 04-08-2006, 17:28:27
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calvis calvis is offline
Fecha de Ingreso: Jul 2006
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<p><font face="Goudy Old Style"><strong>She's Leaving Home</strong><br /><em>(John Lennon, Paul McCartney)<br />Lead Vocal: Paul McCartney</em><br /><br />Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day begings<br />Silently closing her bedroom door<br />Leaving the note that she hoped would say more<br />She goes downstairs to the kitchen clutching her hankerchief<br />Quietly turing the backdoor key<br />Stepping outside she is free<br /><br />She (We gave her most of our lives)<br />Is leaving (Sacraficed most of our lives)<br />Home (We gave her everything money could buy)<br />She's leaving home after living alone<br />For so many years<br />Bye bye<br /><br />Father snores as his wife gets into her dressing gown<br />Picks up the letter that's lying there<br />Standing alone at the top of the stairs<br />She breaks down and cries to her husband<br />Daddy our baby's gone<br />Why would she treat us so thoughtlessly?<br />How could she do this to me?<br /><br />She (We never though of ourselves)<br />Is leaving (Never a thought for ourselves)<br />Home (We struggled hard all our lives to get by)<br />She's leaving home after living alone<br />For so many years<br />Bye bye<br /><br />Friday morning at nine o'clock she is far away<br />Waiting to keep the appointment she made<br />Meeting a man from the motor trade<br /><br />She (What did we do that was wrong)<br />Is having (We didn't know it was wrong)<br />Fun (Fun is the one thing that money can't buy)<br />Something inside that was always denied<br />For so many years<br />Bye bye<br /><br />She's leaving home<br />Bye bye</font></p>
<p>Esta cancion demuestra que la melancolia puede ser hermosa de vez en cuando...</p>
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Antiguo 04-08-2006, 17:39:54
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aldana_ aldana_ is offline
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sii.. es una cancion muy bella!!.. que se puede decir... todas las letras de estos hombres son excelentes!!
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Antiguo 04-08-2006, 19:48:03
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Sly_Boots Sly_Boots is offline
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Fecha de Ingreso: Jul 2005

<p>Esta canción es increíble, de Lamb. Yo tenía el vídeo y era una pasada.</p>
<p align="center"><a name="l8"><font face="Arial" color="#ff8080"><strong><em><u>Gorecki</u></em></strong></font></a><font face="Arial" color="#ff8080" size="4"><br /><br /></font><small><font face="Arial" size="2">If I should die this very moment<br />I wouldn't fear<br />For I've never known completeness<br />Like being here<br />Wrapped in the warmth of you<br />Loving every breath of you<br />Still my heart this moment<br />Or it might burst<br />Could we stay right here<br />Until the end of time until the earth stops turning<br />Wanna love you until the seas run dry<br />I've found the one I've waited for<br /><br />All this time I've loved you<br />And never known your face<br />All this time I've missed you<br />And searched this human race<br />Here is true peace<br />Here my heart knows calm<br />Safe in your soul<br />Bathed in your sighs<br />Wanna stay right here<br />Until the end of time<br />'Til the earth stops turning<br />Gonna love you until the seas run dry<br />I've found the one I've waited for<br /><br />The one I've waited for<br /><br />All I've known<br />All I've done<br />All I've felt was leading to this<br />All I've known<br />All I've done<br />All I've felt was leading to this<br />Wanna stay right here<br />'Til the end of time 'till the earth stops turning<br />I'm gonna love you till the seas run dry<br />I've found the one I've waited for<br />The one I've waited for<br />The one I've waited for<br /><br />Wanna stay right here<br />'Til the end of time 'till the earth stops turning<br />I'm gonna love you till the seas run dry<br />I've found the one I've waited for<br />The one I've waited for<br />The one I've waited for</font></small></p>
<p align="justify"><small><font size="2">Es un temazo. La letra me encanta.</font></small></p>
<p align="justify"><small></small></p>
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Antiguo 04-08-2006, 20:40:36
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assault_suite assault_suite is offline
Fecha de Ingreso: Apr 2006
Ubicación: Asuncion - Paraguay

<p>a mi tambien me gusta Lamb.... muy buenos temas</p>
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Antiguo 04-08-2006, 20:54:09
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assault_suite assault_suite is offline
Fecha de Ingreso: Apr 2006
Ubicación: Asuncion - Paraguay

<p align="center"><font face="Verdana" color="#000000"><strong>The Phantom Opera Ghost</strong></font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Verdana"><strong><font color="#000000">(ICED EARTH)</font><br /><br /></strong><em>[Music: Jon Schaffer / Lyrics: Jon Schaffer]</em><br /><br /><em>[Y:]</em> I feel you, from beyond the walls you speak to me<br /><em>[M:]</em> Christine my love Paris now will worship you<br />You will star soon I'll kill to make it sure for you<br /><em>[Y:]</em> Oh my love, won't you please show yourself to me<br /><em>[M:]</em> Soon I'll take you in my kingdom you're the queen.<br />It's dark and peaceful but my face you'll never see, no<br /><br /><em>[M:]</em> Oh Christine on this eve I will come for you<br /><em>[Y:]</em> Erik my love, I've waited all my life for you<br />Please just take me I need to be with you<br /><em>[M:]</em> Take my hand, through the catacombs my lair awaits<br /><em>[Y:]</em> Caverns, mazes, the underworld and the blackest lake.<br />Enticing danger, your passion feeds me I'm your slave<br /><br /><em>[Y:]</em> Now I've bathed in fear. I will not leave here<br /><em>[M:]</em> Breathe deep the darkness. Breathe deep the madness<br /><em>[Y:]</em> I'm so cold inside. Mental suicide<br /><em>[M:]</em> Breathe deep the darkness. Breathe deep the sadness<br /><br /><em>[M:]</em> Oh Christine don't you know it's all for you<br />Carlotta's head and the other death's I planned.<br />All for you, to have your night in the spotlight.<br />From now on forevermore you will only sing for me<br /><br /><em>[Y:]</em> So you are, you are the legend. The Phantom Opera Ghost<br /><em>[M:]</em> I am what man has made me. With his hate and cruel ways<br /><em>[Y:]</em> Why are you?<br /><em>[M:]</em> Why am I?<br /><em>[Y&M:]</em> The Phantom Opera Ghost<br /><em>[Y:]</em> I have to see<br /><em>[M:]</em> You'll never see<br /><em>[Y&M:]</em> What's behind the mask<br /><br /><em>[Y:]</em> I'm so torn between love, death, life, and hate<br /><em>[M:]</em> Don't you doubt me, what we have is just our fate.<br />I now own you from this day forth; you'll be my slave<br /><em>[Y:]</em> Oh Dear God for this life I've lost the will<br /><em>[M:]</em> No this can't be I'd rather you die than spoil my dream.<br />Myself I'll kill if I can't have you no one will</font></p>
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